Ted Powers - Director of Midwest Alliance
A note from Ted
Midwest Alliance Director
October 2021
In Romans 1:16-17, Paul describes the gospel as “the power of God unto salvation”. I’ve always been intrigued by how often the word “power” is used in conjunction with the gospel (e.g. check out the multiple times this is done in I Corinthians alone). When we think of power many different images or kinds of power might come to mind. There is nuclear power, military power, and political power. Many will declare “money is power” and in this age of technology we hear “information is power”. It can go on and on. All these sources of power can be very good for society, but they can, and always have been, also leveraged for selfish and evil purposes.
As I reflect on this, it strikes me that the greatest power in the universe is the power of the gospel. Even more powerful than the tesseract or having all the Infinity Stones (for us Marvel fans!)! Why? Because only the gospel has the ability to save and change the human soul. We see so much evidence of this in the Scriptures and in history. Just look at Zacchaeus, the Gerasene demoniac, Matthew, Thomas, and Paul. Look at Augustine, Martin Luther, and John Newton. Add your own story here, too.
That’s why I remain so committed to and excited about church planting. It’s one of the most effective ways of engaging people with the gospel and then discipling them to be gospel engagers themselves. It’s the best way to break into and reach new communities and new people groups with the gospel and to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). That’s why I’m delighted to share with you some of the things God is doing in the Midwest re church planting:
· Covenant Community Church in Richmond, KY, led by Josh Crawford and Travis Stephens, launched their public worship services in late August and have been averaging around 100 since.
· Exodus Church in Springfield, IL, led by Stephen Lawrence, launched September 19 with 63 in attendance.
· Casey Cramer has arrived in Dayton, OH to plant a daughter church of South Dayton Presbyterian Church.
· Mike McBride has begun the work of planting the first PCA church in the south suburbs of Indianapolis.
· Ben Hein has begun his church planting residency at Redeemer in Indianapolis as he prepares to plant a daughter church in the city.
· Steve Van Noort has begun networking, gathering, and doing evangelism with the goal of planting in Sterling Heights, MI, a suburb of Detroit.
· Billy Otten is laying the groundwork for a new church in Cincinnati, OH
· Matt Ryman has arrived in the Minneapolis-St Paul area to plant a new church.
· Grace Chapel in Lincoln, NE, pastored by Ben Loos, is positioning itself to plant a daughter church in that city.
· The pastors of Iowa are gathering in early October to pray and plan for church planting in their state.
Please be in prayer for all these men and their wives and families as they pursue these various initiatives. Pray that God will use these efforts to see people meaningfully engaged with the gospel; that people will experience the grace and power of the gospel in their lives, that they will become gospel engagers themselves Pray that these new churches will be Biblically healthy, Christ centered, spiritually vibrant communities that are having a Kingdom impact to the glory of God.
Ted Powers
Director of the Midwest Alliance